Secondary School Tuition

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    Looking for Secondary School Tuition Singapore?

    Are you looking for Secondary School Tuition? We are a Tuition Agency that has thousands of tutors specialised in providing Secondary School tuition Singapore. Our home tutors are able to teach Secondary English, Math, Science, Chinese, Geography, History, Literature, Social Studies, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Art, Higher Chinese, Malay, Tamil.

    All of our Secondary School tutors have went through O Levels, and scored many Distinctions, some obtaining from 6-9 Distinctions (A1-A2) at the GCE O Levels. Tutors range from Undergraduates currently in University, University Graduates, Full-time Tutors, Ex and Current MOE School teachers. The more experienced Secondary School tutors have been teaching many graduating classes year after year, and know the foundation and content mastery needed to score well in O Levels.

    Whether your child is looking for Secondary 1 tuition or Secondary 4 tuition for O Levels, we are confident of finding the right tutor for your son/daughter! Forget about tuition centres/group classes, your child won’t listen since the learning environment is like a School. Get an experienced tutor for 1-to-1 private Secondary School tuition Singapore!

    Send us a Tutor Request now!

    Secondary 1-4 Tuition

    Secondary School is a whole new ball game compared to Primary School. In Primary School, students only need to master 4 subjects – 2 of them being Languages, English and Chinese. In Secondary School, students are introduced to a whole new set of subjects; Geography, History, Social Studies, Art, Food and Nutrition, Design and Technology and etc, that tests their creativity.

    Many Parents get tuition for their children while they are in Secondary school – Secondary 1-4. With reasons such as; not knowing how to study effectively, lacking behind in studies, poor/average results, to get an advantage over peers, study in advance, preparing for Secondary 2 Streaming. 

    Most Parents get Secondary School tuition is because of poor/average results. With the added new subjects in Secondary School, students are able to find their interest; subjects that they like. It is also a good time for students to build their foundation to prepare for the O/N Levels.

    At Lower Secondary level, students take different subjects every term – 2 term History, 2 term Geography and etc (varies between Schools). At the end of Secondary 2, Streaming Exercise is conducted to stream students into respective subject combinations they will be taking at the O Levels. They use the overall results for Secondary 2 CA1, CA2, SA1, SA2 to stream students. The better ones get more subjects, the worse ones get less and more basic subjects.

    At the Upper Secondary level (Sec 3-5), preparation for the O Levels/N Levels start. All content and concept starting from Secondary 1-4 are all tested. Without a tutor, the student will be severely disadvantaged for O Levels. A good Secondary School tutor will be able to prepare the student adequately for O Levels, ensuring they have the lowest scores for all their subjects, scoring the A1/A2 that he/she deserves

    Request for Secondary School Tuition today!

    Hourly Secondary School Tuition Rates Singapore

    A Level/Undergrads Graduate/Full-time Tutor Ex/Current MOE Teacher
    Primary 1-3
    Primary 4-6
    Secondary 1-2
    Secondary 3-5
    Junior College 1-2

    For IB, IGCSE, SAT, Polytechnic, University, 3rd Language, Nursery:
    Call 9177 9055 to enquire, or fill in our Request Form.

    Online Request Form

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