Primary School Tuition

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    Home > Primary School Tuition

    Looking for Primary School Tuition Singapore?

    Are you looking for Primary School Tuition? We are a Tuition Agency that has thousands of tutors specialised in providing Primary School tuition Singapore. Our home tutors are able to teach Primary English, Maths, Science, Chinese, Higher Chinese, Malay, Tamil, for all levels through P1-6.

    All of our Primary School tutors have went through PSLE, and scored many Distinctions, even A* in the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE). Tutors range from Undergraduates currently in University, University Graduates, Full-time Tutors, Ex and Current MOE School teachers. The more experienced Primary School tutors have been teaching many graduating classes year after year, and know the foundation and content mastery needed to score well in PSLE.

    Whether your child is looking for Primary 1 tuition or Primary 6 tuition for PSLE, we are confident of finding the right tutor for your son/daughter! Forget about tuition centres/group classes, your child won’t listen since the learning environment is like a School. Get an experienced tutor for 1-to-1 private Primary School tuition Singapore!

    Send us a Tutor Request now!

    Primary 1-6 Tuition

    Many Parents get tuition for their children while they are in Primary school – Primary 1-6. With reasons such as; not knowing how to study effectively, lacking behind in studies, poor/average results, to get an advantage over peers, study in advance, practice for GEP (Gifted Education Programme). 

    Most Parents get Primary School tuition is because of poor/average results, and not knowing how to study effectively. Students in Primary 1 for example, do not know how to actually study and mug for examinations and tests. Hence the need for tutors to teach them how to study effectively, to employ good strategies so time is not blindly wasted.

    At Primary 3 level, Science is introduced and is a compulsory subject all students must take. Many students struggle with it, as the subject requires students to understand concepts and memorise keywords, something they never did for their previous subjects – English, Math, Chinese/Malay/Tamil. Many Parents get tutors at this level especially for this reason.

    At the Upper Primary level, tuition is even more important to prepare for the impending PSLE. All concepts and content from P1-6 are tested, and students are graded against one another. Without a tutor, the student will be severely disadvantaged for PSLE. A good Primary School tutor will be able to prepare the student sufficiently for PSLE, ensuring they have the highest chance of scoring the A/A* that he/she deserves.

    Request for Primary School Tuition today!

    Hourly Primary School Tuition Rates Singapore

    A Level/Undergrads Graduate/Full-time Tutor Ex/Current MOE Teacher
    Primary 1-3
    Primary 4-6
    Secondary 1-2
    Secondary 3-5
    Junior College 1-2

    For IB, IGCSE, SAT, Polytechnic, University, 3rd Language, Nursery:
    Call 9177 9055 to enquire, or fill in our Request Form.

    Online Request Form

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