A Level Tuition

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    Looking for A Level Tuition Singapore?

    Are you looking for A Level Tuition? We are a Tuition Agency that has thousands of tutors specialised in providing A Level tuition Singapore. Our home tutors are able to teach H1 General Paper, H1/H2 Mathematics, H1/H2 Chemistry, Biology, Physics, H2 Computing, H1/H2 Geography, History, Literature, Economics, GSC/CSE/ELL/KI, H3 subjects, for A Levels.

    All of our A Level tutors have went through GCE A Levels, and scored many Distinctions, many obtaining 90 rank points (perfect score) for the GCE A Levels. Tutors range from Undergraduates currently in University, University Graduates, Full-time Tutors, Ex and Current MOE School teachers. The more experienced A Level tutors have been teaching many JC batches year after year, and know the foundation, content mastery and critical thinking needed to score well in the A Levels.

    Whether your child is looking to prepare for A Levels during JC 1 or JC 2 crash course tuition for A Levels, we are confident of finding the right tutor for your son/daughter! Forget about tuition centres/group classes, your child won’t listen since the learning environment is like a School. Get an experienced tutor for 1-to-1 private A Level tuition Singapore!

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    JC2 A Level Tuition Singapore

    A Levels will no doubt be the toughest examination your child has ever faced in his past 12 years of Education. JC students have 7 subjects to manage, 5 content subjects, all within the short 2 years. It is the examination that determines which University you are able to go to, as well as the courses in University. Indicative Grade Profiles are minimum grades necessary to enter into the course, are provided by NUS and NTU yearly. 

    For courses like Medicine and Law, you will have to get AAA/A for A Levels, as well as pass an interview conducted by the University. This means that students have to ace every single H1 and H2 subject to be able to get a shot in these popular courses. The average IGP for every course is also rising, meaning that students have to score better than the IGP to be able to enter into their University course of choice. 

    To score a Distinction in the A Levels is no easy feat. Afterall, you are competing against students that scored above 250 in PSLE, those in top JCs such as Raffles, Hwa Chong, Victoria JC. With the bell curve system, as well as the content mastery required and difficulty of A Level questions, there is a need for tutors to help the student in the short 2 years in Junior College, to prepare for the A Levels.

    Many Parents engage MOE School teachers for home tuition, or enrol their child into reputable Tuition Centres for group tuition, often paying upwards of $100-140/h per subject for tuition. No one wants to do the A Levels twice, so doing it once, and doing it right the first time is what motivates Parents to spend on tuition.

    In the event that your child’s grades do not meet the minimum IGP (Indicative Grade Profile) and fails to enter university, the A Level certificate will be all but of any use. A good A Level tutor will be able to prepare the student sufficiently for A Levels, ensuring they have the highest chance of scoring the A, or rank points that he/she deserves.

    Request for A Level Tuition today!

    Hourly A Level Tuition Rates Singapore

    A Level/Undergrads Graduate/Full-time Tutor Ex/Current MOE Teacher
    Primary 1-3
    Primary 4-6
    Secondary 1-2
    Secondary 3-5
    Junior College 1-2

    For IB, IGCSE, SAT, Polytechnic, University, 3rd Language, Nursery:
    Call 9177 9055 to enquire, or fill in our Request Form.

    Online Request Form

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